
Your Weekly Read
Does your nonprofit properly report noncash donations?

Does your nonprofit properly report noncash donations?

Your not-for-profit probably already ensures that donors receive a receipt with information about claiming a charitable contribution deduction on their tax return. But your obligations may go further than that. For noncash donations, you might have responsibilities...

Consider the financial sustainability of your nonprofit

Consider the financial sustainability of your nonprofit

If your not-for-profit relies heavily on a few funding sources — for example, an annual government or foundation grant — what happens if you suddenly lose that support? The risk may be compounded if you generally spend every penny that comes in the door and fail to...

Is your nonprofit ready to hire new employees?

Is your nonprofit ready to hire new employees?

According to the 2017 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey by human resources consultant Nonprofit HR, charities are hiring at a faster pace than for-profit companies. Of the not-for-profits surveyed, 50% reported that they would add staffers, vs. 40% of for-profit...

How nonprofits can regain their tax-exempt status

How nonprofits can regain their tax-exempt status

Thousands of not-for-profits lose their tax-exempt status every year because they’ve neglected to file required annual forms with the IRS for three consecutive years. Fortunately, if your organization is on the revocation list, you can re-attain your exempt status by...

What nonprofits need to know about the new tax law

What nonprofits need to know about the new tax law

The number of taxpayers who itemize deductions on their federal tax return — and, thus, are eligible to deduct charitable contributions — is estimated by the Tax Policy Center to drop from 37% in 2017 to 16% in 2018. That’s because the recently passed Tax Cuts and...

Conflict-of-interest checklist for nonprofit organizations

Conflict-of-interest checklist for nonprofit organizations

Not-for-profit board officers, directors, trustees and key employees have a duty to avoid conflicts of interest. Any direct or indirect financial interest in a transaction or arrangement that might benefit one of these individuals personally could result in the loss...

Grants can boost year-end fundraising results

Grants can boost year-end fundraising results

There are more than 87,000 foundations in the United States — including family, corporate and community foundations — according to the Foundation Center. If your not-for-profit isn’t actively seeking grants from these groups, you’re neglecting a potentially...

Valuing and reporting gifts in kind and donated services

Valuing and reporting gifts in kind and donated services

Not-for-profit organizations don’t receive only cash donations. Your support also likely comes in the form of gifts in kind and donated services. But even when such gifts are welcome, it can be challenging to determine how to recognize and assign a value to them for...

Use Giving Tuesday to raise money for your nonprofit

Use Giving Tuesday to raise money for your nonprofit

What are you doing November 28? If that date doesn’t ring a bell, your not-for-profit probably hasn’t made plans to participate in National Giving Tuesday. But considering the opportunities associated with it, maybe it should. What is Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday,...

Are term limits right for your nonprofit’s board members?

Are term limits right for your nonprofit’s board members?

Term limits for not-for-profit board members can be a double-edged sword. They can allow you to easily let go of unsuccessful board members, but they also can cause you to lose the best sooner than you’d like. Consider some of the issues involved before making a...

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Washington, NC 27889

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