board of directors

Your Weekly Read
Organize a board retreat for your nonprofit organization

Organize a board retreat for your nonprofit organization

If your not-for-profit’s board is like most, its members lead busy lives. They may not get to every board meeting or perhaps they’re able to attend meetings only via teleconference. That’s why it’s important to periodically bring everyone together in a relaxed...

Conflict-of-interest checklist for nonprofit organizations

Conflict-of-interest checklist for nonprofit organizations

Not-for-profit board officers, directors, trustees and key employees have a duty to avoid conflicts of interest. Any direct or indirect financial interest in a transaction or arrangement that might benefit one of these individuals personally could result in the loss...

Are term limits right for your nonprofit’s board members?

Are term limits right for your nonprofit’s board members?

Term limits for not-for-profit board members can be a double-edged sword. They can allow you to easily let go of unsuccessful board members, but they also can cause you to lose the best sooner than you’d like. Consider some of the issues involved before making a...

Why your nonprofit must avoid excess benefit transactions

Why your nonprofit must avoid excess benefit transactions

Not-for-profits that ignore the IRS’s private benefit and private inurement provisions do so at their own peril. These rules prohibit an individual inside or outside a nonprofit from reaping an excess benefit from the organization’s transactions. Violation of such...

3 types of information your nonprofit’s board needs

3 types of information your nonprofit’s board needs

Information is power. And regularly supplying information to your not-for-profit’s board of directors is the key to the board properly fulfilling its duties. This doesn’t mean you have to share every internal email or phone message. Board members should, however,...

Read something interesting? Want more information? Give us a call, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.
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Washington, NC 27889

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8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
